White Center Co-op Three’s

Children’s Program

CooperativeArt in the White Center Co-op Three's preschool classroom.

3-year-olds are full of wonder and ready to learn by DOING. Through guided play at White Center Co-op Three’s preschool they are:
• Developing social skills
• Using language to solve problems
• Practicing self regulation
• Making neural (brain) connections that are the foundation for reading and math

Our class provides a stimulating variety of choices to explore for active, whole body learning. Challenges of learning to wait and negotiate with friends are met with understanding and proactive teaching.

Daily Routine

9:30 Welcome from Teacher Janet
9:40 Choice Time to Play, Explore, Pretend, Create and Climb
10:45 Put Away Time (we learn from manipulating toys and materials and to be responsible for their care)
10:50 Circle Time Story (extending our attention span and ability to regulate our bodies and emotions)
11:00 Snack Time (sharing a healthy snack furnished and prepared by parents according to Health Department standards)
11:10 Music and Movement (singing and using big muscles and sharing space together)
11:30 Closing Circle (coming together to say Good Bye)

Parent Involvement

Parents assist in the classroom one day a week.

  • You choose whether your day each week will be either Mon/Tues/Wed morning.
  • If you cannot come in due to illness, etc. you ask another parent to trade with you.
  • We teach you ways to interact with the kids using our “positive discipline” philosophy.

Parents get to:

  • attend a monthly, evening parent meeting to discuss business and parenting topics
  • help with the running of the preschool and fundraising
  • choose a co-op job that fits your interests, skill, and time

Parenting Program

Parent Education is an important part of our Three Day Preschool

  • A professional Parenting Educator attends class one day each week (alternating Mon/Tues/Wed) ready to check in with you to offer tips that will help at home and at school
  • The class chooses one night a month for Parent Meeting–time to learn about guidance and discipline AND as an adult night out together (example: first Tuesday of each month from 7-9pm)
  • To personalize your learning, choose from a list of free talks on topics such as: Guidance & Discipline, Raising Boys/Girls, How To Talk So Kids Will Listen, Sleep, Raising an Only, Making the Most of Temperament Traits

Teacher Bio:  Janet Jenness

I have had the privilege of working with three and four year olds and their parents at White Center Cooperative Preschool for 28 years! I started my career in co-op as a young mother attending South Seattle Community College Parent/Infant program with my first child back in 1988. Both my children graduated from our program, but I just couldn’t leave. The connections my family made there, the parenting tools we came away with, and the learning that took place were invaluable, and I wanted to continue to share it with future families.

I am passionate about meeting children where they are in their life, helping them develop the social skills they need to navigate their world, and providing a nurturing environment where children, through child-directed play, can safely explore materials, friendships, and feelings.  

“Who said 3 year olds were easier than 2’s? At co-op I got new ideas, and I saw that my kid wasn’t ‘the only one’.”

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