Two’s Two Day Preschool
THURSDAY and FRIDAY 9:30-11:30 AM

Two’s Two Day Preschool Children’s Program
- Life with a 2 year old is like a Seattle day–sunny one moment and cloudy the next!
- They are excited to play and explore.
- Their imaginations are blossoming.
- They still need our help moving beyond “MINE!”
Two’s Two Day Preschool is a safe place to express their independence by exploring a room full of opportunities. As they grow more comfortable with language, we help them learn to communicate their needs.
Daily Routine
9:30 Welcome from Teacher Kiki
9:45 Choice Time to Play, Explore, Pretend, and Create
10:45 Put Away Time (we made a joyful mess and we learn to clean up, too)
10:50 Circle Time Story and Songs (learning to sit and take part)
11:00 Snack (sitting together eating a healthy snack furnished and prepared by parents according to Health Department standards)
11:15 Music and Movement (singing and using big muscles)
11:30 Time to say Good Bye

Two’s Two Day Preschool Parent Involvement
Parents assist in the classroom one day a week.
You choose whether your day each week will be either Thursday or Friday.
If you cannot come in due to illness, etc. you ask another parent to trade with you.
We teach you ways to interact with the kids using our “positive discipline” philosophy.
Your child comes the other day without you.
Because some 2-3’s have a hard time separating–we follow your lead and help you both make this transition.

Parenting Program
Parent Education is an important part of our Two Day Preschool
- A Parenting Educator attends class one day each week (alternating Thursday and Friday). They are ready to check in with you and offer tips that will help at home and at school.
- The class chooses one night a month for a Parent Meeting. It’s a time to learn about guidance and discipline AND as an adult night out together (example: first Tuesday of each month 7-9:00)
- To personalize your learning, choose from a list of free talks on topics such as: Guidance & Discipline, Raising Boys/Girls, Separation, Sleep, Potty Learning, First Aid and CPR
Learn more about parent involvement on our prospective parents page.
Teacher: Kiki

I had no idea what I was getting myself into when I signed my wiggly little potato of a son up for the SSCCP Infant class–and certainly had no idea I was about to stumble upon my calling in life. Growing up in the 90s/early 2000s with undiagnosed ADHD, I certainly would never have thought of “teacher” as a possible career move–but stepping into that Co-op classroom, and you could practically hear Aladdin crooning ‘A Whole New World’ from inside my brain.
As a parent, Co-op provides a place to create deep and lasting connections with other adults in the same stage of child-rearing as you are. For the children, it provides an opportunity to play and learn with peers in a variety of ways *and* a chance to learn from a variety of other caring adults invested in their success. That kind of loving, nurturing environment was lifesaving for me as a brand-new, very clueless mom–and it’s what I aim to create in my classroom every day. Your children are there to play, to try, to have fun, to create, to discover–and to do it all with up to a dozen other grown-ups looking out for them. They say it takes a village to raise a child, after all, and what could be better than a village of other children and parents who all want to take care of each other?
When I’m not rolling around on the floor in the classroom, I’m probably rolling around on the floor at home with my son and two cats. If they’re all asleep, I’m reading, writing, playing video games, or putting that Theatre Education to good use in a rehearsal hall somewhere in town.
“Being in co-op helped us move through those ‘Terrible Two’s’ I had heard about. They weren’t so bad because I had friends going through it together–with the help of our teachers!”